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Desu Eyes

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 13:17:15
111 просмотров
  • Desu Eyes Skin screenshot
  • Desu Eyes Skin screenshot
  • Desu Eyes Skin screenshot

Readme in Download

Yes I know this skin is very simple. Yes I know that the eyes really doesn't mean s*** to alot of people but I, and possibly some other people want small details. Not all knows how to make skins or just doesn't care to learn it so i made this for the Dollfags down at Desuchan, and the social failures from 4chan. (lol jk ^^)

Oh and this is my first skin, and im still making skins. This is deffendly not the last time you'll see me.

Your Sirs desu.StofberG
