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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Hell Styled Portal Cube

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 13:14:57
110 просмотров
  • Hell Styled Portal Cube Skin screenshot
  • Hell Styled Portal Cube Skin screenshot
  • Hell Styled Portal Cube Skin screenshot
  • Hell Styled Portal Cube Skin screenshot

This is the hell style portal cube i hope you like this style also check my other hell styled items

hell styled portal gun : http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/62118

hell styled portal turret : http://www.fpsbanana.com/skins/62172

this cube contains 2 cube the normal and the compainion ( the one with the hard )

bot are with custom normal map and phong

hope you like this

If There is a request to bring all the hell styled portal stuff in to 1 pack i will make it but not delete the single once !
