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Brown Chell

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 14:35:51
136 просмотров
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot
  • Brown Chell Skin screenshot

I thought this up when performing a Portal 2 speedrun. My exact words work "A black Chell would be cool..." So I abandoned my speedrun and whipped it up. It's more brown than black so I decided to call it "Brown Chell".

If you so much as even think about calling this racist, I'm going to cut all your limbs off, and then cut those into smaller bits, and then cut those bits into even smaller bits and so on. In other words, this is not racist.


Q: Why the blue jumpsuit? A: I thought it fit better.

Q: Will you make an orange one? A: Maybe...

Q: Why'd you make this? A: Why not?
