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Multiverse Octopus Door

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 14:48:26
120 просмотров
  • Multiverse Octopus Door Skin screenshot
  • Multiverse Octopus Door Skin screenshot
  • Multiverse Octopus Door Skin screenshot

Note: I officially despise the VPK mod system compared to the old system. It's just not practical...


  • Navigate to: "C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2"

  • Drag and drop both "pak01_dir.vpk" and the "materials" folder into it.

  • When prompted, click "merge".

=COPYRIGHT INFORMATION= This skin (minus the base door texture) was created manually in photoshop by Benjamin "Benjamoose" Rudman.

You may not modify or redistribute this skin without permission.

Do not redistribute = Do not upload this anywhere else. Do not modify = Do not edit the skin.

Sorry to spell it out, but some of you still continue to upload without asking me first, claiming credit.

  • Benjamoose/GoldenBalls/TheGmodGtards www.thedalokohsclub.com