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Portal 2
Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2)

Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2)

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 14:03:50
156 просмотров
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot
  • Black & Green Co-Op reskin (Portal 2) Skin screenshot

Notice : Please backup any files that may be overwritten before extracting the .rar file.


This mod adapts the look of both Atlas and P-body in multiplayer and singleplayer mode. It is a mix between the Ninja Skin and The Army Skin packs available for purchase at the Robot Enrichment centre. This reskin replaces the default bot skin to prevent the need to swap files when wanting to use any of the skins in the Enrichment Center.

Legal Notes: I'm not sure if this reskin requires them but just for the record I'll add legal notes, before installing this mod purchase first the Ninja and Army skin packs from the Robot Enrichment Center.

Install: Extract the contents of this .rar file (excluding ReadMe) to C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2

Uninstall : Delete the files placed in C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2\materials\models\player\coop_bots

Or simply replace or edit the pak01_dir.gcf with the original backup.

Hope you enjoy your portal 2 experience to the maximum.

