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Black Wheatley

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 14:33:46
128 просмотров
  • Black Wheatley Skin screenshot
  • Black Wheatley Skin screenshot
  • Black Wheatley Skin screenshot
  • Black Wheatley Skin screenshot

Read Me

Cave Johnson here. Congratulations on your purchase of one of our fine Personality Spheres!

Your BLACK DECEPTION sphere comes fully equipped with a stable personality, a plug, and a book entitled "LAWS OF ROBOTICS". To share. Now, we're going to have to install and activate your BLACK DECEPTION sphere. Let's get started.

First, open up sphere explorer, and navigate to the directory... C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2 OR C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2 Then just place the folder labeled materials in there.

AUTOMATIC .VPK INSTALLATION: Drop the provided .vpk file into.. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2 OR C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\portal 2\portal2

MANUAL .VPK INSTALLATION: Open up your .vpk with Notepad++ and make the following edits.. Replace $baseTexture "models/npcs/personality_sphere/personality_sphere" with $baseTexture "models/npcs/personality_sphere/personality_sphare"

Now, replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_clean" with $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphare_clean"

OPTIONAL GREEN EYE INSTALLATION: Replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_light_damaged" with $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphare_light_damaged"

Replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_lights" with

$basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphare_lights"

Congratulations, now simply activate your BLACK DECEPTION sphere, and be on your way! Cave Johnson, we're done here.

