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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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Pinkie Wheatley

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-10-01 14:38:34
147 просмотров
  • Pinkie Wheatley Skin screenshot
  • Pinkie Wheatley Skin screenshot
  • Pinkie Wheatley Skin screenshot

Hello there, friend. I know you don't like these Scientific stuff but you know what will make it better? PINKIE PIE! That's right! Now you can have Pinkie pie as your buddy, well... She will sound little bit different... Just little bit... But anyway here's the instructions: BACK UP YOUR ORIGINAL pak01_dir.vpk NOW! Instructions: Just drop files into your portal 2 folder like you normally install skins. You will need: 1. Notepad++ 2. Pair of hands/hands simulator/horn (with working magic)/duck tape/magnets. Open up your .vpk with Notepad++ and make the following edits.. Replace $baseTexture "models/npcs/personality_sphere/personality_sphere" with $baseTexture "models/npcs/personality_sphere/personality_sphere1" Now, replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_clean" with $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_clean1" Replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_light_damaged" with $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_light_damaged1" Replace $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_lights" with $basetexture "models\npcs\personality_sphere\personality_sphere_lightp" And I think... You are ready to go...

