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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

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FN 2000 100 % new texture

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-06-30 06:49:39
197 просмотров
  • FN 2000 100 % new texture Skin screenshot
  • FN 2000 100 % new texture Skin screenshot
  • FN 2000 100 % new texture Skin screenshot
  • FN 2000 100 % new texture Skin screenshot

To be honest,the GSC model for FN 2000 is very innacurate,so dont complain about difference with real life one. Its a totally new texture,along with proper normal maps . I also included the version with the refmaps activated with alpha channel for reflection maps , which works on "static lighting graphics options".

Enjoy the skin !

And if u want to support the proggress for recent textures for Stalker - simply click the picture below.
