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Three Camo Sleeve Pack

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-06-17 11:06:14
118 просмотров
  • Three Camo Sleeve Pack Skin screenshot
  • Three Camo Sleeve Pack Skin screenshot
  • Three Camo Sleeve Pack Skin screenshot
  • Three Camo Sleeve Pack Skin screenshot

My second submission to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. section. There isn't much variety for sleeves so I decided that I might as well add some more. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy them.

Also, please take into consideration that the first screenshot is the only one with Full Dynamic Lighting turned on. The other two do not have it enabled because of simply how long it took me to start the game up with Full Dynamic Lighting on, take the screenshot, and exit out. It sounds easy enough, but it takes me about 20 minutes because of how the game slows with that setting enabled.
