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X-46 Advanced Battlearmor Suit.

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-06-17 10:38:45
135 просмотров
  • X-46 Advanced Battlearmor Suit. Skin screenshot
  • X-46 Advanced Battlearmor Suit. Skin screenshot
  • X-46 Advanced Battlearmor Suit. Skin screenshot
  • X-46 Advanced Battlearmor Suit. Skin screenshot
Simply extract to the Stalker main directory, everything should copy to the correct folders on it's own as with most other mods.
Simply extract to the Stalker main directory, everything should copy to the correct folders on it's own as with most other mods.

Uninstall: Remove the added files from the Stalker/gamedata folder. These files are, trade_ecolog.ltx, trade_trader.ltx, unique_items.ltx (all found in the Stalker main directory /gamedata/config/misc) and string_table_outfit.xml (found in the stalker main directory /gamedata/config/text/eng).

Suit Characteristics: 1. Heavy flame protection 2. Heavy bullet protection 3. Heavy chemical burn protection 4. Heavy anti-bleeding protection 5. Heavy anti-electrical shock protection 6. Complete mutant claw/fang attack protection 7. Complete radiation protection (can now escape from the radiation dirt devils if you move quickly enough) 8. approx. 200kg load weight and full sprint up to that weight (over weight stops you immediately) 9. Blue tinted night vision

I know it's not a hand skin, but the Player Skin Category is Pending'
