Добавил: Tiratore 2015-06-30 05:08:48 177 просмотров
Warsaw Pact 2215 Beta weapons pack
These are the much better realistic textures for S.T.A.L.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl taken from the 2215 beta, before GSC were forced by THQ to change their weapons to be more unrealistic. This isn't just a skin-pack, it's also an important tool for modders. They can make new skins using these without having to go through the process of finding the rare beta, then uncompressing the files in it.
These skins were made by GSC only. You can do whatever you want with them as long as no money is made. GSC have allowed their skins from betas to be used in mods, skinpacks, etc.
Installation: Unpack into your STALKER: SoC folder, copy the "gamedata" folder into your STALKER folder, make sure to backup what you do not want to overwrite.
To edit the skins, you need photoshop and the .dds plugin for it. Remember to keep the file directory structure intact for these skins, and any others you're using for them to work.
Screens of ALL Russian guns:
Here they are!! Linky!
Here's a comparison if you don't think these skins are different enough:
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