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Stalker Re-Animation Project 2

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-30 00:10:36
252 просмотра
  • Stalker Re-Animation Project 2 Skin screenshot
  • Stalker Re-Animation Project 2 Skin screenshot
  • Stalker Re-Animation Project 2 Skin screenshot
  • Stalker Re-Animation Project 2 Skin screenshot

Stalker Re-Animation Project 2 is a replacement mod that replaces all the first person animations in the game. All weapons and devices now have new animations provided by yours truly. Also I have fixed up may of the models and added new sounds and new particles. I have worked on this mod sporadically or the last 3 years or so. I am proud to finnally release it to you all to play with and include in your mods as well.

This mod Is build to run on both Stalker: Clear Sky and Call of Prypiat. There are included configs for each game and some mods I have decided to support. This mod will NOT run with Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl.

