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Clear Sky Faction Skin Add-On

Добавил: Tiratore
2015-06-30 08:47:36
166 просмотров
  • Clear Sky Faction Skin Add-On Skin screenshot
  • Clear Sky Faction Skin Add-On Skin screenshot
  • Clear Sky Faction Skin Add-On Skin screenshot

Clear Sky faction skin add-on by -=Grunt=-


GSC Game World - Vanilla files that were edited.

-=Grunt=- - Skins and file editing.

This little mod/add-on gives the Clear Sky faction it's own Stalker/Sunrise suit, Leather Jacket and Exoskeleton skins.

It also gives Lebedev a Clear Sky Exoskeleton. (So you don't have to maximize Clear Sky's resources to test the Clear Sky Exoskeleton skin) Lebedev also gets a PKM in the bridge to Limansk and the NPP. :D

You can edit or add this mod into your mod(s) as long as you credit me.

NOTE: Test them in-game before you rate it please.

If you find any bugs, please post it in the comments.

Have fun!
