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Petri (Club Super 3)

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-01-04 02:22:14
98 просмотров
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot
  • Petri (Club Super 3) Skin screenshot

This skin is base in Petri, a popular character from a TV kids show from Catalan television. The show in which this character appeared was called "Club Super 3", and it was very popular among our generation.

The skins includes CSP's, and the TexID has been changed so it doesn't mess up with regular default skins.

I hope you like it!
