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SmashBoards Falcon

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 09:27:30
99 просмотров
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot
  • SmashBoards Falcon Skin screenshot

Falcon tries to advertise his favorite website, with varying levels of success.

It's my first hack, so I wanted to do something simple. The only problem I have with it is the logo on the back still showing the blue falcon, albeit very faintly. It's very hard to spot in gameplay, but I would love to remove it. If anyone can tell me how to fix that issue I would appreciate it very much!

It goes over the c01 slot.
