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Dragonite #149 WIP

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 23:21:05
92 просмотра
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot
  • Dragonite #149 WIP Skin screenshot

Greetings!! Here is Cronus with another mod!!! This time is Pokemon #149 Dragonite!! Still in WIP but so far he is very fun to use!!

Things to do:

      -Work on his face to make it smoother and rounder like the real Dragonite.
      -Work on his normal mapping for his face to be more like Dragonite.
      -His eyes need to fit better his socket
      -Remove flame from tail

Suggestions or Comments feel free below!!

-Just copy the model.nud and model.nut files into smash explorer and make sure it gets sent to the SD card when you build your mod. 
-Load with SDCaffiine
-Enjoy :)
