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Tigrex Charizard

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-02 01:19:50
84 просмотра
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot
  • Tigrex Charizard Skin screenshot

All the Hunters in the Guild are Officially Screwed Thanks to this Beast.

Tigrex Charizard By Coolnez and Lizuka!

This Mod is Based of the Tigrex From Monster Hunter!
Goes Over c00 For Charizard (Lizardon).
Also Comes with: CSP and RSP

Shoutouts To:
Marf and Outfoxed: Who Suggested to Fix the outline of the Scales. And that it was a good Fix for sure.

Oh yea, Please read the README.txt File, It will give you some Information About this Mod and Why I haven't released one in awhile.
