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Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots)

A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-19 12:44:13
123 просмотра
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot
  • A Red AC Cloud (for all Advent slots) Skin screenshot

A recolor I made to make red Advent Children Cloud stand out more for teams.

Also, you can pretend he's your favorite blond red-coated anime protagonist, Edward ElVash the Stampede from the Devil May Cry series.

Since texIDFix seems to make Cloud's skin explode, I made a copy for each Advent Children slot instead. Slots 2 and 4 have the sleeve, slots 6 and 8 have the ribbon/no sleeve.

Other features:

  • Compatible with 8-player smash
  • Working metal model
  • 4-player and 8-player CSP's included
  • For Photoshop nerds: PSD's for the DDS files included

Shout-outs to Leif: I used his Ragna The Bloodedge model.nut file to figure out how to make his boots look like converse shoes.

