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Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-16 09:40:12
134 просмотра
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot
  • Undertale-styled Limit Gauge Pack Skin screenshot

hello again my dudes

this mod contains two versions of my own Undertale-themed limit gauges, as well as SmashSplatMaker's version

once you've decided on the one you want, go ahead and drop the model.nut for the one you want in this directory:

data / fighter / cloud / effect / cloud / model / EffCloudLimitgauge

and that's all there is to it!

shoutout to SmashSplatMaker for thinking of adding the heart as the arrow, and for working with me on this!

also, i'm working on some more limit gauge mods, so be on the lookout for those in the future!

~ tin-sau-dia

