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The Legend of Korrin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-11-14 02:58:17
175 просмотров
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot
  • The Legend of Korrin Skin screenshot

First off, I'm not doing an uncensored version. If someone wants to then so long as you credit me you have my blessing but I'm not doing it myself.

This has been in the works for a looooong time at this point. Just over the past couple days and with Nao-chan's help I've pressed forward and actually gotten the thing finished.

This only includes the chr_13, may update with the others later but after an evening of headaches with the subject I was pretty eager to just get it done with. If someone else wants to post this and run up some downloads from it then by all means be my guest. I even included a PNG of the CSP in the download.

So yeah, Korra-themed Corrin skin! This seemed overdue when I started on it back in August, much less now. Between the name and the water powers it seems like a pretty obvious fit. Speaking of that's what the deal is with the dragon, wanted it to look somewhat like a water construct. Probably could have done that better than I did, but do like the look of it personally.

This is TexID fixed and all parts are there, just name the files to whatever you desire and plug them in where needed.

Incidentally the irony to the fact I've been trying to get this done since August is that I don't even like The Legend of Korra. I stopped watching after how awful season two was and nothing I've seen of 3 or 4 has made me regret that decision. Just thought it'd be a good fit and while I don't like the show (first season aside) I do like Korra herself.
