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8-Bit Link

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-01-03 21:24:13
93 просмотра
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot
  • 8-Bit Link Skin screenshot

Now before you ask me i someone else has done this, yes, but I decided to give a crack at it, I edited bump maps and textures to create the best skin I could.
his sword no longer bears the triforce, but is instead a basic sword, his clothes no longer have cloth markings, and his shield has been edited so he can have the cross from zelda 1 on it, along with the triforce.
I also added some sprites on to his gauntlet to make it look a little less plain.
