| Добавил: The DSystem 2016-10-11 14:19:31 99 просмотров Ryuko makes the cut!
NOTE: This mod was not made by me. This was made by @spoopy_matoi on Instagram, and I added the TexID fix and added the UI stuff. He gave me permission to upload this mod onto Gamebanana. If you would like to visit his Instagram and give him a big thank you, check him out here!
This mod comes with 3 outfits:
Default Kisaragi Nui
All 3 sets are TexID fixed!
CSP, BP, stock portrait, and RSPs included.
There is also a version 2 of the extra CSPs.
This mod also includes downloads to an orange sword trail and a vulgar voice, made by Starrmax and Nazolink respectively.
Happy modding!
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