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Japanese Crash Bandicoot

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-12-04 00:32:12
90 просмотров
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot
  • Japanese Crash Bandicoot Skin screenshot

It is everyone's favorite marsupial in his Japanese design, Crash Bandicoot!

This came about after seeing that no one has uploaded a Crash Bandicoot import yet, so I decided to take it upon myself to do so. I also chose the Japanese design due to how Crash fans are sensitive about his designs here in the west. For the American Crash fans though I am considering importing him as well, just depends on the model people mostly want.

This mod comes with a CSP, BP, and Stock Icon. It has also been TexIDd via 3DS Max so it should work over any slot!

Happy modding everyone, hope you all enjoy this import despite a few issues here and there. Please go easy on me when it comes to the rig, as Crash's hands had fingers that were modeled together instead of seperately. 

Nonetheless, please enjoy!
