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Sm4sh Rayman

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-11 13:43:58
116 просмотров
  • Sm4sh Rayman Skin screenshot
  • Sm4sh Rayman Skin screenshot
  • Sm4sh Rayman Skin screenshot

Here he is at last!

I'll be totally honest, I wasn't entirely ready to release him. There are still a few issues to fix (Namely the polygonal model) and I wanted to make CSP's for the two of them, plus I also promised a Rayman 1 stage at this time...  but at the time of this writing Hurricane Matthew is about to crash down where I live.

Given the circumstances and the fact that I have no idea what is going to happen or if I'll lose anything, I decided I'd rather release what I have than potentially lose everything and leave all of you hanging when I've been promising this for awhile.

Once the Hurricane passes I'll see about improving from there, I hope you all undestand

Known issues:
Polygonal Model: Split by UV Island doesn't work, it makes the vertex count too high, and lowering it with a modifier crashes the game. Welding doesn't work because the textures are thrown out of allignment. I'll keep trying to fix this

If Rayman and Dark Rayman are in the same battle, Dark turns into regular Rayman. Most likely a TextID issue.
