| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-03-08 02:52:08 142 просмотра I present another quickie I put together in the past couple days, a simple edit for Mario's Hat removed. It should function 100%, but there could always be something that slipped through the cracks.
The hair is higher poly, as the original was quite low on the old polygons.
It should function with any recolor .nut file (default or another mod on this site) if TexIDFixed, and should not present the same issues Masked Lucina had (No need to exempt / mess around with forge). I have also included the render of hair for creating your own CSPs for any recolors (That don't change his hair/skin color anyways, that will be a bit trickier).
Slots 9-16 of the default skins hatless are provided for those who don't want to TexIDFix, but I highly recommend it, it does god's work.
Render hair shading might seem slightly off up close, but should be barely if at all noticeable in UI & I'm looking into having someone touch it up soon.
Please provide feedback if you like/don't like anything about it and what I could do to improve it, it helps more than you think! Apologies for any issues that might still remain, I'll fix them asap if you can point them out.
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