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Caeda skin for Marth

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 23:24:56
78 просмотров
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot
  • Caeda skin for Marth Skin screenshot

As the title suggests, this is a skin designed after Marth's wife, Caeda 
(or Sheada / Shiida honestly I seen it spelled many different ways).

csps are included however only chr_11 and chr_13 are modded. 
For some reason photoshop isn't properly reading the chr_00 or 
the stock_90 files (not even paint.net can read them) so some help 
would be appreciated. However, I'm still adding the unmodded 
chr_00 and stock_90 files for the sake of convenience.
