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ExTreme Marth Skin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 18:06:12
96 просмотров
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot
  • ExTreme Marth Skin Skin screenshot

ExTreme recolor for Marth!

Looking similar to Roy's recolor, but not the same. This one took me a while to figure out a texture issue so I didn't upload it as fast as I would have liked.

This is an extra skin and is meant to be added as extra, though it can replace skins if you'd like.

Instructions for installation are in the download.
