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Rise Above Hate Ness

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-01 09:59:31
120 просмотров
  • Rise Above Hate Ness Skin screenshot
  • Rise Above Hate Ness Skin screenshot
  • Rise Above Hate Ness Skin screenshot

This has been TexID fixed so it should work anywhere.

So yeah, the John Cena meme is a thing, since Ness is pretty easy to do figured I might as well try something out with him for people to mess around with. Credit where it's due on this, I used the Inkling skin by Kirbro as a point of reference on how to make the front of the hat white since it did a similar thing and on that front Ness's hat textures aren't terribly clear. I imagine it took a lot of trial and error to find out exactly what needed to be fixed to make that happen because it is not immediately obvious.

I was kind of torn between this and doing Cena's old shirt based on Pro Wrestling for the NES, since they're pretty much my favorite shirts he's had. I might do that one at some point down the line, I dunno. I'm not terribly attached to the whole Cena outfit idea myself really but we'll see how this goes over.
