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Wine Pearl Peach

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-02-27 00:38:26
155 просмотров
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot
  • Wine Pearl Peach Skin screenshot

My second skin, I still improve some things, not criticize. I do what I can,
The True challenge is to do the CSP's .. omg its soo complicated.. well. I hope we can enjoy This.
one thing more.
I still do not know how to make skin 8Player Compatible.. And that texID I have no idea what it is. But I'm starting.

It is difficult for me because the English is not my original language and it is complicated to understand the tutorials at 1000%, If it were otherwise. would be one of the best if I knew.

And I've certainly asked for help from multiple users through mp. And very few help me. The majority ignores me and therefore I have to understand things as I can. All that has been achieved, it has been because I split my head moving everything, nobody told me and I do not even understand the tutorials. But it is effort so do not criticize.

This Pack Includes:


In smashexplorer, go to-
Skin: data/figther/peach/model/body
Parasol: data/figther/peach/model/kassar
Cps's: data/ui/replace/chr

WiFi Safe!
