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Dis Pear Villager

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-12-04 05:12:11
98 просмотров
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot
  • Dis Pear Villager Skin screenshot

Sephiroth memes about dis pear are why I wanted to make this lol. "But Shadow you already made a green and black themed skin" it's a nice color combo...so oh well. The ui may be a little meh due to what i was provided to work with...but it's still ingame accurate and better than nothing. I really appreciate it. I do take skin requests (heck the next on my list is a request :P) so don't be afraid to ask. Also expect a certain spooky import to be done soon-ish hehe and if there is any desire for a female Villager version I'll most likely do it. Oh and ignore the fact that the 1 is visible on his shirt in the previews, smashSplat was kind enough to give me a copy of his normals where the 1 is removed...but I was too busy to get pics showing that. If you bothered to read all this then u get a cookie.  
