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Supershyguy's Villager

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-02-23 04:46:10
131 просмотр
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot
  • Supershyguy's Villager Skin screenshot

Listen, I'm not good at naming this kind of stuff. It's a bland name, but it'll have to do. This was a personal mod of mine, but a while back I posted a video on my channel and sent a replay clip to a community montage video just for the heck of it, and they had this mod in them. A few people wanted it, so I thought why not. So here it is. It is Wi-Fi safe, has metal model, csps, and can go over any slot. It mostly a texture mod with the hair being imported from the Mario Kart 8 Villager.
