| Добавил: The DSystem 2017-02-27 23:34:15 176 просмотров Ethel is a pale skinned 16 year old girl with blood red eyes. Her hair is milky-blue and hidden by the giant hood she wears, making it hard to estimate the length outside of her spiked bangs and curly side-hair that sticks out of the hood.. bla bla xD
Ethel is seen again, this time being pursued by Galdo whose personality happened to change as a result of the singularity. It is revealed that unlike in the previous timeline, she was once a member of Dorfa, but escaped and is labeled as a traitor, after finding out about Dorfa's evil intentions. Sherman protects Ethel from Galdo and defeats him quickly, forcing him to flee. Sherman carried an injured Ethel back to the inn to treat her wounds. Grateful for his help, Ethel joined the party with Sherman to take down the Vile God
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