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Golden Showers

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 18:12:40
132 просмотра
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot
  • Golden Showers Skin screenshot


Ladies and gentleman, may I present my submission for the $1,000 TF2 "Rain, Hail, or Shine" Skinning Contest: Golden Showers!

Replaces the following cosmetic items for All classes:

  • Ghastly Gibus
  • Pyrovision Goggles
  • Bronze Mercenary Badge
  • Mann Co. Cap
  • TF birthday hat
  • Spirit of Giving badge
  • Professor Speks
  • Bill's Hat

These items are the most equipped items in TF2 statistically,, so expect a lot of players to have a cloud of piss over their heads.


just a boring gif of 3 merc's just idling


Of course, I must show how exactly this small cloud can dispense such a massive amount of bodily fluids. This gif should explain everything (this is a part of the actual in-game skin)


Oh, and APRIL FOOLS! (just kidding, this is a serious submission!)
