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A more festive ambassador

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 08:01:23
121 просмотр
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot
  • A more festive ambassador Skin screenshot

As requested here, it was delivered some time ago, but he'd like me to submit it here and on the workshop as well; so I will, and here I am.

As you may have seen, the festive ambassador has exactly 1 shitty light attached to the bottom of the barrel; that's no way to celebrate, even the knife has more lights than that. So here it is, more light; I managed to stick 6 more lights on the coiling cable that is apparently easy to make in Blender, making a total of 7 lights (you can see all of them on the last screenshot). It's not as much as the 10 on the knife, but still a 600% increase in Christmasy cheer.

