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Aperture Science Bonk bat

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-11 04:07:00
146 просмотров
  • Aperture Science Bonk bat Skin screenshot
  • Aperture Science Bonk bat Skin screenshot
  • Aperture Science Bonk bat Skin screenshot
  • Aperture Science Bonk bat Skin screenshot
  • Aperture Science Bonk bat Skin screenshot

Hello, I´m AVM and I proudly present my new Team Fortress 2 skin which replaces the Scout´s Atomizer: The Aperture Science Bonk bat. As you can see, this skin is based in the game Portal. It´s a really good re-texture, trust me, I´m very proud of it!

It includes 2 colors for each team (Orange for red team and Blue for..blue team). Also, comes with two phong configurations, which are the TF2 configuration and the Portal configuration. Oh, and I almost forget, it comes with a custom well made normal maps with a enhanced alpha wich makes the skin more impressive and it brights on the darkness!!

To install this skin, it´s simple, just create a new folder in your custom folder (For example "Aperture bat), and place the files selected there, then, open your game, and there it is!

I would appreciate if you rate, comment to show me what do you think about my skin, and suscribe to me to receive notifications when I submit new TF2 skins :)

