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Nerfnow Dispenser (Red Fix)

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 18:35:09
125 просмотров
  • Nerfnow Dispenser (Red Fix) Skin screenshot
  • Nerfnow Dispenser (Red Fix) Skin screenshot
  • Nerfnow Dispenser (Red Fix) Skin screenshot

So, I made this a while back when someone made this but with only the blue engie, and someone commented that it was only blue engie, so I went and fixed it and never released it. And then Testsubject's mod came out and I figured "Oh, hey, I should release that one dispenser mod". And so I did.

I tried to find the original mod but I couldn't find it, so if you know where it is post it in the comments and I'll fix the credits.

Finally, HUGE special thanks to the original creator for making me go read Nerfnow, its pretty god damn great.

Here's the comic if you're interested (You bloody well should be)

And here's the original image on DA.
