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Dark Dashin' Hashshashin

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 11:52:29
78 просмотров
  • Dark Dashin' Hashshashin Skin screenshot
  • Dark Dashin' Hashshashin Skin screenshot
  • Dark Dashin' Hashshashin Skin screenshot

Do you have a skin that doesn't work with your Dashin' Hashshashin? Well, your in the right place! This texture replacement works with the original hood, spy skins (possibly the Maskless spy because it doesn't replace any models or animations, just the texture) and coolaidia04's Fedora and Fez model replacement. I'll give you the link to his mod"/skins/tf2/cosmetics/assassin-hood-replacement.html" Hope you enjoy this mod! Note, the actual black suited spy skin is not included, just the hood. If you just want a darker hood and not a darker spy to tell who's on red or who's on blue, go with it.

