Добавил: The DSystem 2016-01-23 07:59:26 74 просмотра
For the player who really would rather do without all the drama, this mod simply removes any halo models. You won't see the item panels for other items either, but you probably don't need that anyway, and you'll have cleaner deathcams. Now you can just pretend the whole idling fiasco never happened.
Unzip this archive into your base tf/ folder.
Delete the following files:
scripts\items\items.ctx <- This forces the halo to stop removing hats on classes with them.
resource\ui\HudInspectPanel.res <- These three files remove the ugly inspect panels.
models\player\items\all_class\all_halo.dx90.vtx <- And finally, these remove the halo model and the particles that come with it.
But if you still see any other signs of halos and want to get rid of them, tell me and I'll see what I can do.
UPDATE: Now restores original hats whenever a halo is used.
UPDATE 2: Remodified some files after the patch seemingly made this mod drain FPS. If this doesn't work, I don't know what else could cause the fps drain.
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