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Hotrod Reborn

Добавил: The DSystem
2017-02-28 01:02:16
145 просмотров
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot
  • Hotrod Reborn Skin screenshot

Hello everybody, Allen Scott here. I've decided to fix the shitty texture that the Hotrod had. It was so outdated compared to the rest of the cosmetics so I took it upon myself to fix it.

This new texture is 1024x1024 and sports a custom Visor texture as opposed to the default plain black rectangle. I also redid the flames by hand. The entire metal was retextures using pre-existing metal within TF2.

