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Russian Rocketeer Recolor

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-11 04:41:21
129 просмотров
  • Russian Rocketeer Recolor Skin screenshot
  • Russian Rocketeer Recolor Skin screenshot
  • Russian Rocketeer Recolor Skin screenshot
  • Russian Rocketeer Recolor Skin screenshot
  • Russian Rocketeer Recolor Skin screenshot

I got tired of the Russian Rocketeer not being consistent, so I recolored it.

This is just a simple mod I made. This is also the first cosmetic mod I have ever made.

I tweaked the BLU version a bit, but it isn't finished. I'll update this with the more consistent BLU version soon!

Major changes include:

-All RED parts are now more Pyro-like.

-All Dark Green Parts are now Cream Spirit.
