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Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-11 04:13:32
130 просмотров
  • Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod Skin screenshot
  • Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod Skin screenshot
  • Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod Skin screenshot
  • Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod Skin screenshot
  • Shirtless Quadwrangler Mod Skin screenshot

This is a simple mod that just removes the shirt (or turtleneck) area of the Quadwrangler. I originally did this to equip with the Tuxxy, but I noticed that it looked quite good on other items.

I had a lot of issues with the "tube" when compiling the model. The jigglebones were completely broken, so I removed it completely, sorry.

Contains Non-VPK and VPK, as always.

The link for the Tuxxy mod is here: http://tf2.gamebanana.com/skins/143913

Feel Free to post any type of comment and ratings

*if is according to rules*