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The Gentleman's Presence

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-10-11 15:01:29
138 просмотров
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot
  • The Gentleman's Presence Skin screenshot

Shows what you like for everyone else with these flairs pinned directly to your Fedora.

This mod makes the Fedora black for all classes, while adding some "fandom-ish" flairs onto it.

Note that Decal Tools cannot be applied here, as it's not set up in the game files. You can, if you wish, edit the flair textures that are provided inside the mod's content. 

This mod originated from a joke at first, with no intention to upload at all. I ended up improving it, so I could upload it.

There are two Backpack Icons this time. Each style has their own backpack icons. It's also paintable (I legitimately forgot about this).

The idea of the mod came from this picture: /uploads/images/57fcfec97f1e3.png

Includes VPK and Non-VPK. 

Feel Free to post any type of comment and ratings

*if is according to rules*
