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Dickbutt Sticky Note

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 12:36:49
116 просмотров
  • Dickbutt Sticky Note Skin screenshot
  • Dickbutt Sticky Note Skin screenshot
  • Dickbutt Sticky Note Skin screenshot
  • Dickbutt Sticky Note Skin screenshot

Simply replaces the smiley face under Demo's crotch flap. Can be seen during the Grenade Launcher/ "Ka-BEWM" taunt. It does not edit the Demoman's texture, so custom skins work with this fine piece of art.

Color swapped the top and bottom of the original "smiley.vtf" texture, made a new 512x512 (much higher quality/ res) gradient in Photoshop, added Dickbutt and the tape, saved, converted, and packed it.

Go nuts.
