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Shocking Skulls

Добавил: The DSystem
2015-12-30 07:57:24
126 просмотров
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot
  • Shocking Skulls Skin screenshot

Do you like the texture of the Thunderbolt sniper rifle? What about the Dead Reckoner revolver? Why not both?

Well, both it is, in this skin, in which I combined the two.

Replaces: - American Pastoral - Backcountry Blaster - Earth, Sky, and Fire - Local Hero - Mayor
