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Shadows Begone Lightwarp

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 13:00:43
110 просмотров
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot
  • Shadows Begone Lightwarp Skin screenshot

Replaces all lightwarps with a transparent image, making affected models appear much smoother and removes scaling shadows (they still get darker as a whole when moving into more dimly lit areas, but much less severely). Also turns Jarate into a jar of holy, illuminating piss.
