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Team Fortress 2
Pinup Texture mod for the Dogfighter jacket

Pinup Texture mod for the Dogfighter jacket

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-04-10 08:41:08
104 просмотра
  • Pinup Texture mod for the Dogfighter jacket Skin screenshot
  • Pinup Texture mod for the Dogfighter jacket Skin screenshot
  • Pinup Texture mod for the Dogfighter jacket Skin screenshot

This hot little number adds the pinups that were removed from "The Dogfghter" jacket back! As an added bonus the textures are in high definition so that the pinups will be sharp and have more detail! As a double bonus the normal map has also replaced with an improved version so the lighting on the jacket will look better!

How to install:

I tried to make this super easy to install for you, the user.

In this folder is a folder labeled "tf". Right click on the folder and select "Copy". Next fire up steam. Go to your games library and right click on "Team Fortress 2" in your list of games on the left and select "properties" at the bottom. Click on the tab "local files" and click on "browse local files". This will open up your Team Fortress 2 Directory. Now simply right click and paste here and all the files required for this texture mod should wind up in their appropriate locations. ^_^

Fire up Team fortress 2 and see all the Dogfighter jackets have the pinups restored!


Note: Other players playing with you will not see the pinups on your jacket unless they have this mod installed as well. So don't worry about offending anyone.
