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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Beta Like: Pyro

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-19 02:08:09
106 просмотров
  • Beta Like: Pyro Skin screenshot
  • Beta Like: Pyro Skin screenshot
  • Beta Like: Pyro Skin screenshot
  • Beta Like: Pyro Skin screenshot
  • Beta Like: Pyro Skin screenshot

This is just a Recolour of Pyro to recreate the style of First Trailers... Before you attack me and you will rate 3-4 my skin, I' ll say:

YES, I KNOW THAT REVENANT DONE THE SAME SKIN BEFORE ME but he forgot some particulars and he wrong some colors

Hope you like it...

It istall just extract the tf folderi in you steam directory ( C:\Programmi\Steam\steamapps-yourname-\team fortress 2 )

The Pack also incule fully custom HUD
