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Kindli's Black Pyros

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-18 00:42:42
99 просмотров
  • Kindli's Black Pyros Skin screenshot
  • Kindli's Black Pyros Skin screenshot
  • Kindli's Black Pyros Skin screenshot

//// \\
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\\ /\ //// \\// \//// ]] Mod = Skin ////\//\\ ]] Skin = TF2 / Player Models / Pyro //// _/ \\ ]] - by Kindlinho (2007) //// \\ \\ //// \\ ////

-=:> Kindli's Black Pyros

:/ ...
:> "installation" ...
:> ... follow the instructions

(1) Copy the "tf" folder to your "team fortress 2" folder in Steam.                 
    - Mine is = E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\myaccountname\team fortress 2
    - put the "tf" folder HERE! 

(2) For BLUE hands     - rename pyro_hands_blue.vtf to pyro_hands_red.vtf
    For RED hands      - make sure your pyro_hands_red.vtf file is in the "pyro" folder
    For ORIGINAL hands - delete the pyro_hands_red.vtf file

(1) P&#345;eho&#271;te složku "tf" do vaší složky "team fortress 2" ve Steamu.                
    - Moje cesta k instalaci je = E:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\mojeuživatelskéjméno\team fortress 2 
    - P&#345;eho&#271;te složku "tf" SEM!          

(2) Pro MODRÉ rukavice   - p&#345;ejmenujte soubor pyro_hands_blue.vtf na pyro_hands_red.vtf
    Pro &#268;ERVENÉ rukavice - ujist&#283;te se, že soubor pyro_hands_red.vtf je ve složce "pyro"
    Pro P&#366;VODNÍ rukavice - smažte soubor pyro_hands_red.vtf                                            