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[DS]: CS:S GunGame v34 Server

[DS]: CS:S v34 Server
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Aperature Head Imploding Device

Добавил: root
2015-12-30 06:20:30
96 просмотров
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot
  • Aperature Head Imploding Device Skin screenshot

Yes I am aware the the R in Aperature Laboratories on the gun mushes on the dip in the gun's structure. I like how it looks and I am not changing it. Because otherwise the words wouldn't be understandable if reading from the side of the gun.

That is about the only problem I can think of. I made this myself and was inspired by the previous scattergun I did. And when I realized there was no Aperature Sniper Rifle ANYWHERE, I got on it!

Enjoy, and thank you everybody!
