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GTAGOD's Red Wrench V2

Добавил: The DSystem
2016-01-17 23:09:40
121 просмотр
  • GTAGOD's Red Wrench V2 Skin screenshot
  • GTAGOD's Red Wrench V2 Skin screenshot
  • GTAGOD's Red Wrench V2 Skin screenshot
  • GTAGOD's Red Wrench V2 Skin screenshot

This is V2 of my Red Wrench skin for TF2. I took alot more time and thought things through better. I also basically started from scratch all over again... my first skin left me with something missing and i couldent fix it. so I just figured to take what i found my best parts and transition it over to my newer version which came out excellent and better than i thought!.

-=Sprite Menu Picture Included=-

Have a Funner time.

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